All students must take a free trial class prior to registration for any program. Schedule your free class here!
Each After School Martial Arts Program student attends a daily taekwondo class under World Taekwondo certified master instructors, which develops self-defense, self-efficacy, confidence, strength, speed, balance, flexibility, respect, concentration, and a lot more. Himchari Martial Arts creates a safe studio environment where students exercise on clean, Olympic-quality matted floors.
Our programs engage students in many other activities as well, such as indoor games, crafts, and team building exercises with supervised care. It is not just a day care center – students will have had a very productive afternoon by the time you are ready to pick them up! Enroll now and experience all the benefits of Martial Arts training with our After School Program!
Pick Up From Multiple Fairfax County Schools
We pick up from several Fairfax County Public Schools. Contact us to see our current school rosters or ask about the Before School program at our Burke Commons location!
Full Time and Part Time Options
We offer multiple options to tailor your membership to your family’s needs. Students can take part in our program Full Time (5-4 days of attendance) or opt for Part Time (3 or fewer days) membership for a slight discount.
Pick-Up and Transport
We also pick up our students from their schools and transport them to our studio in safe, maintained buses whenever the schools are dismissed, including half-days and early dismissals. Once they arrive at our facility, parents can contact a designated text line to let their children know to get ready ahead of time so you can pick them up as soon as you arrive. Parents’ Pick-Up time runs until 6:30 pm.
Daily Martial Arts Class
Monday – Thursday, we offer taekwondo class with Fridays reserved for belt testing. When a student learns a required skill for their belt level, they will receive a colored tape tip on their belt. Once they earn all their tips, they will be eligible to test for their next belt level. Belt promotion is not guaranteed by attendance so that students can learn to apply themselves, present good character values, follow instruction, and master their curriculum. We encourage students to practice outside of class.
Daily Physical Games
We know students have a hard time focusing in school when they have to sit still for long periods. Every student is given the opportunity each day to take part in games that teach teamwork, focus, and coordination while encouraging friendship and physical fitness.
Structured Routine & Character Development
Every day, we have a set routine. The same things happen at the same time- games, class, snack time, quiet homework or activity time- under the supervision of our certified staff. Student rules are outlined so students can build discipline while having clear expectations for their behavior to set them up for success. Education, both in school and in life, is the priority for us so students are encouraged to finish their school work and read every day before and after taekwondo class time.
Convenient Day Camps
We provide day camps to accommodate teacher workdays, student holidays, and other closures throughout the school year. Our safe, secure, and fun environment to supports the needs of both parent and child. Students have opportunities to learn other martial arts (such as hapkido or nunchucks), go on field trips, and take part in fun themed activities at our exciting day camps. Read more about our day camps here!